Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pitching a Tent

This last weekend I had a first - I slept in a tent that I set up all by myself!  I've slept in a tent before; however, I think the last time I did I was 12.  I don't remember how the tents got put up or taken down.  I don't remember much other than my cousins peeing on the fire (boys!) and my Scottish relative saying he was a "balding Scot" while trying to say the shower was "scalding hot." 

I was at the Gentlemen of the Road (*I noticed today that the GOTR of Gentlemen of the Road is the same as the Girls on the Run*) Dixon Stopover and I purchased a tent.  It wasn't my first tent purchase, the previous one had to be sold before I moved to France.  I didn't even get to pitch that tent.  I had gotten it for a road trip with my friend; alas, my throat started to swell with an abscess right before our trip.  We had to cancel our explore the northwest and Canada trip due to illness.  Silly body!

I thought I'd be spending this weekend in a cabin - turns out I might be in my tent again.  At least my nephew will love crawling around in it!  So two weekends in a tent for me - I'm not that sad about it.  I had a great experience and there is something very empowering about being able to do something all by yourself.  I didn't have one of those tents where you basically take it out of the bag and it pops out into a villa.  Me, a couple of poles, a tent, and a set of instructions later: behold a dwelling!  I had brought a flexible lock that enabled me to at least lock the doors to my tent.  If anyone had really wanted any of the stuff in there, they could have easily just slit the thing to pieces; however, my recent friends (I parked next to them at the Stopover and they ended up living a town away and in my college town) and I stored our stuff in my tent (I had plenty of room in my 4 person tent).  My friends had several instruments they felt safer leaving in my locked tent.  I slept next to bagpipes, a banjo, and a violin.  It got so cold at night that I could see my breath!  I had to huddle down into my sleeping bag and zip up my hoodie. 

I expect to be cold at night up north as well.  I might have a cuddler this time though, a little nephew that is practically a furnace - he likes to cuddle too!  I am excited for this weekend and all the wonderful people I will get to spend not enough time visiting.  I need to go finish cleaning and packing! Bonne Nuit!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I am writing this from the comfort of my own home tonight.  It feels fantastic.  I met my neighbor the other day and suggested that we should split internet.  We ended up meeting in the hallway as she was returning to her apartment with her plate of baklava from our other neighbors.  They are super sweet people and actually just stopped by to drop off some for me (literaly, minutes ago).  I have some pretty awesome neighbors, it just took me a while to meet them (over a year).  I hardly ever see anyone in/around the building.  Score for me, my neighbor wants to join book club!  I'm so excited, possibly two more people to join.  We will no longer be a book trio!  *Cross fingers*  I am so tired tonight - my weekend was crazy at the Dixon Stopover.  I am still trying to clean up my apartment which seems to have exploded since I returned home.  I can't complain, tomorrow is THURSDAY.  For those of you who don't have a 4 day work week, I pity you.  I do work my butt off during my 4 days (10+  hours every day so far).  I need to get to bed shortly so I am not short tomorrow with everyone that walks in the door. 

Anyways, since I have the internet, I have watched a Scotland documentary on YouTube and seen Prince Harry's naked pictures.  Poor guy can't seem to catch a break!  I still love the guy; he just needs someone to take care of him, to love him and value him.   He may be the "spare," but he is such a wonderful person who deserves to be noticed for more than his slip ups. 

Here is the Scottish documentary that I watched!  It is amazing and I have like a bazillion more of these things to watch.  Very interesting and informative about my heart's deepest love: Alba!

When I have more time, I need to share all of the amazing bands that I had the extreme pleasure of listening to at the Dixon Stopover.