Saturday, March 20, 2010

"I wonder if he knows his life is like a story to us?"

This is the question my best friend posed to me as both of us were gushing about the tiniest little detail of our interactions with our crushes. We hang on every detail and analyze every word and movement: is there symbolism behind that action or phrase, or am I just crazy? I suppose, despite my English Prof. thoughts (most of us live such boring lives it wouldn't make a novel worth reading), that each of us do have a life that someone clings on to for hope. There life becomes that juicy bestseller, that favorite album, or the blockbuster smash hit of the season. We all just seem to be a mash up - each one of us clinging to another for hope...a reason for living. We are all tied up in one another, each creating a link to one another, whether we realize it or not.

I have recently begun to ponder when life changes from the fairytale stage to reality. When should I give up my hopes of Prince Charming sweeping in to rescue Cinderella? (I still think that Prince William will marry me one day :D) Should we just let all of our dreams fall by the wayside because they seem impossible? Another friend of mine was criticizing the fantasies I was coming up with in order to meet my favorite band when I go see them in concert (Mumford and Sons - Chicago...all should go and you will be awed). These delusions included using my supposed link to the Daley family; however, this seemed to only end badly. I also considered how I could give my favorite record (I have an extensive record collection that I CHERISH) of American cowboy songs to Marcus Mumford because of his love of cowboys.
"Slipping off into cartoon world. Sounds like you actually think this is going to happen."
"Ugh. I don't think, I wish! And besides, if Princess Diana can hang a poster of Charles above her bed and say she was going to marry him someday...anything can happen. Guess you just have to be careful what you wish for."
But who is to keep me from merging my story with theirs? Some postmodern universe of my creation where I can go in and re-edit or have occurrences that do not follow the laws of a normal universe (or the rules of the universe I create within my own mind). Most of the stuff - scratch that...all of the stuff that I imagine I generally think are occurrences that will never come to fruition; however, their brief rabbit trails of the extraordinary allow for a bit of an escape from the life I find boring (oh, how Emerson would hate me for my love of day dreams - but they are some of the best things!).

So I will leave you with some of my random poetry...enjoy! And the link to Mumford and Sons:

I’m drawn to you
For reasons unknown
It’s powerful
There is no reason
I am like an iron filing to a magnet

I want to ravage you like a prairie fire
For the fire is consumed with only one thought –
Incinerating every inch of prairie until the last blade is scorched
And the prairie will have no recollection of life before
It will only remember what life was like after

We are planets pulled by gravity
Slowly inching closer
A collision of force
Will we meld as one,
Or destroy each other in a fiery ruin?

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