I just finished
Well That Was Awkward by Rachel Vail. It was cutesy and I felt like I was back in middle school myself. It was like rampaging hormones and confusion all over again. Mostly teeny drama of who likes whom and dealing with death of a sibling. It's not high brow or even the best book, like ever, but the person who wrote it has connections with someone I know. It's a good thing to say I've read the book, for their sake. It wasn't completely without merit. There was standing up to bullies and dealing with your own inner junk. *deep* I am pretty sure though, my vocab may have taken a dive in the last few weeks (note: it expired before I could finish and then it was already on hold for someone else, so I had to wait to get it again to finish it). The main character and her friends have some good and witty quips. They were definitely nerd material and I loved that.
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