Ugh - I am super tired tonight! Just like I was last night. After I got done with work (around 7ish) - I went and cleaned up my apartment for my company this week. I am so excited to see my nephew!!!! Sometimes I think my heart could burst out of my chest - and that's just looking at a picture. I'm so lucky to have him as my graduation present (he was born the day I graduated from college). Today, I worked early until 6 - then I ran to my yoga class, where the instructor kicked our butts. I honestly couldn't do a majority of the last phase of sun salutations. I just kind of attempted, sort of.... What the heck is a crow position?!?!?
hahaha - yeah right! I couldn't do that when I was young! |
Afterwards, someone had brought wine and cheese and almonds and chocolate! We munched and talked about scary ghost stories. There is apparently one that haunts the yoga building and the one next door. Two of the people last week heard the door rattling (like someone pulling on the door, trying to get in), first faintly, and then really loudly. I got a chill as they were explaining this! I told them about the rolling ball at the palace in Scotland and the library ghost that slammed the book drop closed one night as I was walking away from locking the front doors. We had a lot of fun and then giggled at the fact that we were sharing ghost stories like the Christmas carol, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, says:
"There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of
Christmases long, long ago."
This begs the question - why are ghosts such a part of Christmas? Is it all because of Scrooge and his Christmas ghosts? Are there other ghost stories that are supposed to go along with Christmas? I can't think of any off the top of my head...maybe it's because I spent too much time trying to do the crow. What do you think?
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