Friday, December 16, 2011

A Matthew MacFadyen Universe

So last night, after completing my 40th hour of work, I ran home...cleaned...and got ready for book club!  We watched a movie last night: Death at a Funeral.  Matthew MacFadyen - you are dreamy! If only every girl could have one of you!  Lols - that strange alternate dimension would be beyond weird!

Relations: Well, I've had a lot of fun with the ONE other person in my book club (yeah, that's how we roll).
Health: Well, I got to yoga once this week and I managed to lose a whole pound in a week.  Wii Fit is worried about me since my goal was only 1lbs in 2 weeks: I may be losing too quickly!
Career:   I'm still searching for the one that will be perfect for me and I for it.

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