Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mother of Expendable

Legen and I hope you aren't lactose intolerant because the next word is DAIRY.
*Getting a nook for Christmas and being able to watch episode after episode of How I Met Your Mother in bed while writing out Christmas cards.
*Having to file a theft report on your brother's Christmas present but really just being happy I still have a little brother to come home to.
*Realizing there is a WHOLE lot more of your apartment you can see from the street - meh, they can see me dance around like a happens.
*Playing silly games with my nephews and pretty much just covering them in kisses.
*Having a house full of family - all acting loud and crazy (between couch naps)
Legendary Weekend!

I am so multitasking at the moment...watching How I Met Your Mother (if you couldn't tell).  I also watched The Expendables.  All I could think of while the palace was blown to bits was "A woman could have done all of that and still kept the pretty palace in one piece."  All that history and architecture.  It was a sad thing to see it go down in one giant blast.  It was a little weird that the story didn't quite really set up, it just happened.  I'm not really sure what the story line was - we get paid money to blow up that bad guy, see pretty woman, must blow up everything to "save" her.  So pretty much if you just want to watch stuff get blown up, watch it.

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