Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pop a Squat

I am so tired today, I can't even think straight.  I don't know if I can even type anything remotely sensible at the moment.  I will say, I've had a lot of poo in my life lately.  Yesterday, my co-worker and I discovered Unicorn poop while attempting to look up articles about North Korea's claim to have evidence of a unicorn.  Then today, I discovered the "Squatty Potty" and an article about how our dear inventor of the crapper cursed us to a life of gut and anal misery by taking away our pooping squat.  No, I did not test this for testy Tuesday.  If you feel so inclined, you may try it.  I think I may have to read that article a few more times and be heavily constipated before I decided to pop a squat.  I held it when faced with a squat toilet in Ethiopia and that was just to pee.  Maybe once it is tested, it is like a Eureka moment and you never want to go back.  My nephew pops a squat when he has to go - maybe adults should too?!?

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