Monday, December 17, 2012

The English Major

Ohhh - I just downloaded my first eBook to my new nook.  YAY!  I am so excited.  I also just filed my first police report.  Tres weird.  I am so enjoying watching How I Met Your Mother.  I love it. 

I recently finished reading The English Major by Jim Harrison.  I enjoyed parts of the book but I was really getting sick of listening to the character talk about his penis.  Penis this, penis that, and oh, there's my penis doing a little jump at the idea of the young girl.  It was almost like listening to Barney as a 60 year old.  The story is of an old man named Cliff dumped traveling across the country to find himself again after his divorce and being forced to sell the farm he had worked at for approximately 2 1/2 decades. He renames states and birds and bangs the heck out of one of his former students (he was a teacher before he started farming). It was just too weird for me.  Besides, he pretty much ends up back where he started. Ugh, maybe I'm too girl to read books by men. 

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