Friday, May 31, 2013

Passion Makes Up for Inexperience

So my internet is down, well, it is running super, super, super, duper slow!  It has been a long day and an interesting week.  Currently, I just have this happy feeling after doing yoga.  It's amazing how good you'll feel after an hour of yoga.  It's amazing how much better I feel after 5 minutes of child's pose.  It's 80 degrees in my apartment and I still feel blissfully happy. 

Relationships:  I know this guy; he's pretty easy to read.  I know it is his life's goal to be married and have kids.  I can feel that goal when he talks to me/looks at me.  It's a little intimidating.  I want to ask him if he likes me or if he just sees someone that can fill the slot.  You can convince yourself into love when you think you've found the "one" to fill the slot and are ready for that next big step in life.  Trust me, I convinced myself I was in love with a guy I now pretty much think is douchey.  He can be a good guy, but he's also an idiot.  I'm glad he found someone that makes him happy and he was able to marry and start a family.  Good for him - I am SO GLAD it wasn't me!  That relationship would have ended badly.

Health:  I am just very happy currently.  I guess it's just part of being to accept myself right where I am.  See what I want to become and make steps towards that person.  This sort of ties in with careers, but I sent out 20 resumes this Tuesday.  I am going for the job of my dreams.  Why not?!?  Passion makes up for inexperience!  I can send twenty out, twenty million out, I only need one that says yes.  And if all 20 say no, I'll send 20 more out.  I'm not going to stop going after my dreams!

Career:  I got offered a chance to teach the beginners class at the co-op today!  I'm excited to be offered a class.  A little not excited about the time: Saturday at 8am.  I'm not that much of a morning person.  That day is my day to sleep in and be lazy.  Not to mention, the perk of not working on a Friday is being able to leave Thursday night or Friday morning.    I'll think about it a little more.  Maybe see if that class might work at a different time, on a different day.  I also had to do the lovely job of cleaning dead bugs from light fixtures (on a 10 foot ladder).

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