Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

So I have been hearing a lot about how yoga is "cultish" and anti-God (as in Jesus Christ and his Father and the Holy Spirit).  I have to say BS!  I came back from teacher training with a stronger relationship to God than I have had in a LONG TIME.  I've had a person say that it is related to Buddhism.  Well, yes, but it was developed under the religion of Hinduism.  In all honesty, yoga is it's own philosophy that can be adapted to any and all religions.  The physical aspect of yoga is only a small part of yoga the philosophy.  The main gist of yoga philosophy is the don't attach yourself to things, they are just objects (even this life), there is God at the center of all of us and the possibility of greatness when we connect to God and his purpose for us (all of us, even every thing on this planet is here by God's design), you don't need to worry about every one else's actions because they are that person's business and all you have to do is be conscious of your own actions and the fact that they have a ripple effect.  Honestly, I went into reading The Yoga Sutras to find something wrong with it; something that would make it not jive with the Bible or the God I grew up learning about.  Honestly, I came home looking for my Bible.  When you realize that God wants to be a part of you and has a purpose for you, your life has so much meaning.  And so does every other person's life.  So before you just pass off yoga as "anti-God" or cultish, try it for yourself.  There was a phase where a lot of people in yoga tried to replace God with "the universe," but they just are trying to find another name for God because they don't want there to be a God.  Then again, we all find idols that we place before our Lord and Savior.  So go educate yourself before you point the fingers.

Seriously, something that gives this much hope can only bring you a little closer to God and to being the person God wants you to be.  You are full of potential.  Believe it!

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