Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What day is it anyway?

You know, one of these days I will get my days figured out!  It isn't like I fill in the date EVERY SINGLE DAY and tell everyone else a million times a day: "today is _____."  Seriously, I think this whole year I have been posting a "Say What Wednesday" post on Tuesday.  I guess I better test working on my calendar and day of the week skills :D  I guess I can't really be blamed too much, my calendar next to my desk (both of them) are still displaying APRIL!  I really need to get on switching that over.  I'm also getting a little sad with my calendar purchase earlier this year; the calendar of young and eligible princes.  Seriously, I think all of them after March get uglier and uglier.   There are a few exceptions, but the prince with the month of July, well, to put this nicely as possible, he looks like a NAZI.  That is as nice as I can put it.  He even looks a bit maniacally sinister in his photo.

I guess one thing that I did test out/try on a Tuesday recently has been the couch to 5k.  My friend and I go out and hit the pavement at least 2 times a week.  We really should be doing it every day, but that just isn't possible with both of our schedules.  The most we have covered in the 30 minutes is 2.5 miles.  It felt like a whole lot more, but Google maps tells me it is only 2.5 or 2.4 miles.  Today I mapped out a route that is 3.1 miles and a 5k = 5.103 (or something like that) miles.  So that will be our desired goal route from now on.

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