Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Turtle Turtle

Ok, the storm outside is getting nasty!!  So I'm going to cut this a bit short.  Recently, we had some people not functioning at their best here in Wisconsin.  We had a female snapping turtle beat and left partially alive after she had wandered into a sand trap at a golf course to lay her eggs.  Seriously, what kind of person do you have to be to beat an innocent animal and just leave it to suffer?!? She died from the brutality of her wounds today. One of the blows to her shell was so bad, you could see her internal organs through the hole left! Now this could have just been some young kids thinking it might be fun, but seriously, their parents need to teach them a lesson about respecting all of God's creatures.  If it was an adult, then shame on them.  I'd be afraid that person was a psychopath!  Right now, the person(s) responsible are probably crapping their pants with how much publicity the incident has gotten. There's a $6,000 reward out for information on who might have done this terrible act of cruelty.  Ok, big booms of thunder and bright flashes of lightning tell me it is time to call it quits! 
Do you feel like a man/woman now that you've brutalized a creature a fraction of your size?

1 comment:

  1. I'm seriously hoping this won't be your last post. I read the article & cried. Do you remember when Mom pulled the car off the road to rescue a turtle?? I was so little I don't remember if you existed yet. Anyway, what on earth have you been doing that you haven't been blogging???
