Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Pal

I tried something new today!!  My friend suggested a website that she is using to help her with her fitness goals.  It is Myfitnesspal.com. It is really helpful and tracks more than just calories.  I was really surprised to see how much protein I was eating.  I went over my grams of protein by a lot today!  It was my first day, and I had eaten a majority of my food for the day before I logged on and started adding things up.  I could hear my boss telling me to skip the 130 grams of carbs I had left and make my already -30 grams of protein left for consumption even higher.  He's on a huge no carbs, lots of protein kick.  I went over on my goal calories by 26 whole calories - that stupid apple really put me over.  I wish the one thing this site could do that is doesn't do already, is track grams of sugar.  That would really be helpful. It is a super easy format and the food lists they have are quite extensive.  They even have Aldi brand foods on their lists.

It does keep track of calories burned with exercise; so I logged my 10 minutes of biking (to and from work), an hour of yoga, and 30 minutes of strength training.  When you add exercise to your routine, you get more calories to eat!  Yay!

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