I have had several things on my mind lately. I've been reading and watching like crazy (when I can). I've been working out and learning how to make healthier choices when it comes to making meals. I'll start with the lighter stuff and then move into the slightly heavier sections at the end.
First off, it was nice to have a opening day nap with my dad. WHAT THE HECK BREWERS?!? I got to catch up on my sleep and my pinterest account while you were sucking it up out there. I had such high hopes after those 2 runs in the first, but you just couldn't keep it together. And wait, how many pitchers did we go through today. I completely lost count! You'll get it together tomorrow - and now that I've actually done the wash, I'll have my Brewers shirt to wear while I watch.
I watched a couple of rather shite movies lately. I just can't seem to pick anything good lately. I picked out Young Adult to watch. That movie was horrible. It had no point to it at all. It just has completely screwed up people going around and acting completely selfish and narcissistic. Don't watch it, you will seriously regret the hour and a half of your life you cannot get back.
Our most recent read for book club was The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe. The story is really interesting, but the fact that the people in the story were really people involved in the Salem witch trials and the author herself is a descendant of some of the accused women, makes it all the more exciting. The site up for the book is really interesting too. It has a lot of interesting information about the story and the history of Salem. The book is about a young grad student, Connie, doing her research for her dissertation in history at Harvard She agrees to go clean up her dead grandmother's house that has been accruing taxes since her death. She discovers a link in the house to a possibly undocumented women that was tried in the Salem witch trials. Her research begins to take her further and further into her own family history. While she is working on this project, she is dealing with the pressure of cleaning up her family home to sell, a crabby advisor who has gone a bit batty over his alchemy set, and a rather dashing preservationist by the name of Sam. While searching into the life of Deliverance Dane, Connie begins a journey of self discovery that is quite magical.
I recently read an article about BMIs and how much crap they are at actually gauging what they are meant to: obesity. The people in the article were talking about how the BMI doesn't actually gauge correctly the "health" of people. According to them, a 5'6" woman over 150lbs should be considered obese. Really?!? What if the woman is just stacked? I swear to God my boobs alone weight about 20lbs if not more. They were basing this based on body fat rates in individuals whose BMIs were in a normal range but whose body fat percentages put them in an obese category. I'm really getting sick of the government trying to control our bodies. Soon people who really need medical attention aren't going to be eligible for it because their type doesn't fit into a certain box. Apparently a woman's body is a scary thing to men in our government. Go ahead and teach abstinence alone in our schools and take away Planned Parenthood. Education is POWER - and apparently our country is tired of empowering their women. Sure, lets just add a few more 100s of thousands of babies on to welfare and see what happens to our economy. Did the government read Freakenomics and just decide to through it out the window. I'll just clarify this, I don't believe in abortions at all (it hurts the mother both physically and psychologically), but preventative measures like teaching about conception and how to use a condom work wonders. Not to mention, baby booms and STD booms will have our broken medical/insurance system strained even further. I can tell you in my high school, our health class completely skipped the sex ed part of health class and focused more on drugs. Oh yeah, guess how many girls we had preggers!
Ok, now after ranting, I will close with some music I have been loving recently. Enjoy!
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