Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So I woke up at quarter to 6 this morning.  That like never happens.  :D  I decided, instead of lying around, I'd get up and get my workout in before work.  This then freed up my evening to go to the early yoga class and get home for BREWERS!  The game is getting a little sad.  That homer just sucked.  Hopefully we can get it back. 

I did the wheel today in yoga.  I don't think I've been in that position since I was 5.   I also got really close with my fellow yoga student tonight.  We did a pose where person one is in lotus with arms wrapped behind, person two has their legs on top of person one and holds their hands.  Person one then tips their head back and arches back.  Person one then comes back up using their abs with neck still tipped up and back. It looks really hard, but it turns out to be easier than it looks - not that easy, but not impossibly difficult.

I think I just found a new addiction since iRead no longer seems to be on facebook...now, I have goodreads.  I've already spent too much time on it, but I can't seem to stop finding new books to add. Oi.


  1. I love how random your thoughts are. Woke up early, yoga, RYAN BRAUN, yoga, iread, squirrel, oh! the same exact thing my sister likes, & so on & so forth. I miss you :)
