Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuna Tacos

I am super exhausted. I worked out from 6:30 to 8:30 tonight. I did my regular workout and then I went to yoga. Squats to hip poses - my poor legs. I stayed up way too late last night watching a PBS broadcast about baseball. It was really interesting. Of course, after I watched that I went to bed and read my 2012 Baseball season preview...until midnight. Today was a rather slow day, but tomorrow, oh, it is going to be BUSY! I am already dreading it.

My eyes are literally falling shut as I am typing.

But first, I will tell you about the new things I tried today. I was at a loss as to what to make for lunch today. I had no bread and no meat thawed. I saw my cans of tuna and my stomach gurgled. I figured I would try a tuna fish sandwich in a corn tortilla - hey, people eat fish tacos all the time! I hesitantly made one and tested the result. It was so yummy! I just added some salad greens and the tuna salad onto the tortilla and had a great lunch! I'm glad my lack of groceries resulted in something yummy!

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