Monday, March 12, 2012

Deliverance from A

I am so exhausted today.  I went to bed earlier than usual last night and then I woke up early and tossed and turned for the rest of the morning.   I am completely exhausted again.  It was completely lovely to leave work at 6:30 and have the sun still shining.  It would have been even better if I hadn't been starting a migraine.  Luckily, Dr K got to my neck and adjusted the heck out of my neck.  He also worked my jaw a bit.  I have the lovely ability to get a cold sore in my gums - aka, my gums puff up like crazy and hurt. I have been chewing with the other half of my mouth and thus the tenderness.  Anyways, the headache was mostly gone by the start of PLL.  Next week we find out who A is!  Woot - I cinny wait!

I have been reading several books lately.  Working towards finishing one soon.  I'm reading the book  How to Be a Domestic Goddess and then The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane

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