Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hungover from the Hangover

Currently checking out game prices to Brewer games.  A preseason Cubs game just started playing and it had me interested.

Anyways, I got two free movies from the redbox the other night.  I am waiting to go home and watch Midnight in Paris.  The other, The Hangover Part II, was a waste of time.  It was basically a change of location with the same stupid stuff happening - a different groom and a different "lost" person were added to change up things a bit.  The only really funny and interesting part of the movie was when Mike Tyson came out to sing and then harassed Stu about his tattoo.  Everything else was either an over share or exactly the same as the last movie.  So boring and redundant.  I'm sorry to the writers of that script, but obviously you had no creative ambition!  Please people, do not waste your time with this piece of garbage.

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