Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Addicted to Sun

I can't stay too long to write since it is getting dark and I rode my bike!  It was so lovely out today - 77 degrees today.  If you don't know, that is tropical weather for Wisconsin this time of year.  It's hard to sit at a desk all day and watch it pass by out the window. 

I booked it to yoga last night since my back locks up horribly once a month.  I was the only one in class again, so I asked if we could do poses specifically for stretching out the lower back.  My back felt so good by the time I left.  I was fantastic. 

I got told the other day about being able to make your own butter.  I am interested to try this - apparently, all you do is whip heavy cream until you get a blob in the middle that splatters all the whey around.  It sounds really interesting.  I don't use butter that often and apparently it doesn't really pay to buy from the stores heavy cream at $4.99 when butter is $1.99.  Maybe I'll just have to buy a cow :D

Off to ride home and continue reading the Deception of the Emerald Ring.  These books are so addictive!

1 comment:

  1. Deception of the Emerald Ring? That sounds so familiar...I'm jealous that you were biking. My plan is to get our bike ready this weekend & pick up a helmet for LEVI! YAY. Love you!!
