Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mixed Greens

Today I got a solo yoga session.  I was the only person to show up to class today, so I got my very own class.  Oh course, she choose a hip lesson.  OUCH!  It was a good session none the less.  I was sweating like crazy by the end.

So I have to report on how the slow cooker meal turned out that I attempted last week.  The chicken was ok, a bit bland, and the rice was somewhere between burnt and mushy (depending on which side of the crock pot you got it from.  I think I might know how to fix it, but I'm going to keep my changes a secret until I give it a whirl.

I also did something that makes choosing a healthy salad every once in a while really easy.  I had bought some spinach and "artisan" greens, so I cleaned them up with my new salad spinner and mixed them together in a bowl.  I then took handfuls of the mixture and put it in ziplock baggies with a piece of paper towel to keep the moisture down.  I also cut up some carrots and cucumbers that I can grab some and toss on top of my greens before adding my Honey Raspberry vinaigrette.  It makes a pretty good veggie addition to a meal.

1 comment:

  1. Sweating like crazy? Are you sure you can come up with something so descriptive that you gag? Like the hamburger post (EWWW)...
