Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Squishy

My brain is squishy.  I can't think of a thing.  After this week of hell at work, I'm ready for the weekend.  I am ready for some down time.  I'm ready to put my feet up and relax.  Sometimes I feel that it's the doctor and I who do a majority of the work.  Not to mention, the new system we have sucks.

I am wondering how programmers work.  I can't imagine doing their jobs, but how hard is it keep things universal through out the whole program?  How can you market your product as a complete package, when it isn't?  I'm sick of "apps" and errors and "it is coming...soon."  I really want to give a big F - U to the developers of this program!  Running the office has gotten 10 times harder and our hours longer.  My days went from 8 1/2 hours a day to 9 1/2 or 10 hours.  Today I worked 10 1/4 hours today, mainly because you can't find errors in closing as fast as you could before. 

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