Thursday, March 1, 2012


My life seriously takes some turns every once and a while.  And right now I am totally loving knowing a DJ and getting all my requests on the radio.  People in River Falls are probably going to hate me!  I seriously just asked for Laura Marling and boy does he deliver...I'm listening to it now! muhahaha.

Relationships - Other than my father sending me into a half naked man's apartment this last weekend and then saying, "I have to do something to get you a man," nothing much new.  I don't like being single, but I don't mind it either.  I like it less and less since it apparently is linked to how much my parents take pride in me.  I did have a scare this week though - my dad was having pains in his chest during the night.  I got woken up at 2 in the morning to come over and "help."  I'm actually not really sure what I was supposed to do, maybe just support mom.  I got there right away and grabbed the blood pressure cuff.  Of course, it didn't work.  Finally, around 3:30am I got to go home since the nurse hotline said it wasn't anything that needed immediate medical attention.  Turns out his rib popped out of place.  I am not sure how one does that!  How does that even happen?  Adam had his taken out, but what do you have to do to just misalign it.

Health - I actually got through a yoga class and was still able to walk for the rest of the week!  Yay, I'm so proud of myself. 

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