Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time Flies

It seems like ages since last week Wednesday!  I can't believe it has only been 7 short days.  Nothing astoundingly life changing has happened in these days.  Last Wednesday was the first ever work day I have actually taken off.  Not that I really had the time too - I've been making up for it this week with 10 1/4 hour days.  I still have to work an extra 6 hours this Friday to be caught up on hours.  Sorry kayak, you may have to spend the day in the storage space another day.

My sleep schedule has been a little off lately.  Someone new has apparently moved into the building right around the time it became open window season.  New Girl, I respect you and your Sex and the City moment, but can we close the windows?  11pm, just a little awkward.  3am, ANNOYING.  Especially when it took me another hour + to get back to sleep.  Your screaming/moaning/shouting is beginning to get on my nerves.  There are children who live in the building too!  Think of the kids!

Speaking of loud noises that contort your face: Philip Phillips won American Idol.  I haven't really watched that much Idol since the first season.  Ryan Seacrest annoys me, just about as much as J Lo drives me crazy.  I can't believe that it took 2, 2 hours shows get to the "finale."  The finale was such crap.  It just seems like they were trying their hardest to fill every minute with something - it just got beyond saving.  What was that with the guy proposing all creepy and awkward on stage?  Oh yeah, filler time so they can drag the announcing of the "American Idol" to a second night of 2 hours to which everyone was only watching for the last 5 minutes.
Jessica Sanchez is a fantastic singer, but Phil had it locked down.  All the other "American Idols" haven't really appealed to me, but I think Philip Phillips will be the first Idol since Kelly Clarkson that I will actually listen to and buy an album from. You go Philip Phillips, because even if it looks like you'll go in your pants when you sing, you have one amazing talent.  It was so sweet and adorable when he teared up on stage and then walked down to his family.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Crazy One

This week has been CRAZY!!!!!!!!!

There is no other word to describe it.  I kept waking up early all week.  Tuesday, I got through yoga and DWTS (sorry Maria, you were AMAZING).  I had a slight twinge in my stomach occasionally that night, only to wake up Wednesday to feeling like dying.  I drank some mint tea to settle my raging stomach.  I called into work to get at least the morning off, hoping that a little more time would give my stomach the chance to calm itself.  I got up around 10:30 to get ready and ended up out like a light for who knows how long.  I called right after that to make sure I had the rest of the day off.  Now, I know I had written in my journal that I "really need a day off."  I DID NOT MEAN THIS!  Not to mention, does anyone else think it is weird that between my vacation and sick time, I didn't have enough hours to cover a full day of work.  I think there is something seriously wrong with that.  After nearly a year of working, I only had 4.17 HOURS of sick time.  That breaks down to approximately 4 hours 10 minutes and 12 seconds.  Does the company I work for really not expect someone to be sick at all in a year?!?

Anyways, I got a lot of sleep in, read so much I could have died, watched so much boring tv I lost a ton of brain cells, and stared longingly out the window, wishing I could be out basking in the sun. 

I made it to the weekend though.  Went to the yoga 3 year anniversary party and won a couple of prizes!  Woot.  I won a bag for my yoga mat which means that I can now ride my bike to yoga!  Being able to pedal home after is more the question!  I washed all my bedding and hung it out to dry yesterday in the beautiful sun and breeze.  I got my place cleaned up enough for company and we played games and watched the 13th Warrior after not being able to find anything at the Redbox.  Elisabeth and I had watched New Year's Eve and One for the Money.  I also watched Anne Frank while doing my laundry the other day.

New Year's Eve was kind of dorky/cute.  It was cutesy and anything with Zac Effron appeases Elisabeth.  I mean, I did just torture her with an hour long session of yoga - I owed her something.  There are lots of groups of people - finding the courage to go for their dreams, gaining the courage to do what they want, helping each other through hard times, finding love, blah blah blah.  Everyone gets their happy ending on the night when a new year is born.

One for the Money was really cute.  It was funny and wacky and entertaining.  We may have watched it twice.  Stephanie Plum is an out of job Jersey girl who ends up working for her cousin Vinnie - a bondsman.  She becomes a bounty hunter and has her eyes set on the guy who broke her heart and just so happened to be avoiding his trial.  She goes after this old love, Joe Morelli, with the help of a very fine man called Ranger.  I really liked the line about Ranger: "Ranger Manoso. He's like the statue of David by Michelangelo, if you dipped him in caramel and strapped some heat on him."  Anyways, she solves the mystery and gets her man.  Yay.  Personally, I think she might have picked the wrong one, but oh well.

Anne Frank was really quite a cute movie.  It was a bit strange and it jumped around suddenly.  One second Peter and Anne are screaming their hate of each other and the next they are about to make out near the sky light.  Over all, it was really good.  All of pretty  much know the story of Anne - girl locked in a small area with lots of other people hiding from the Nazis, writing in her journal. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

This weekend got off to a pretty amazing start!  Oh poop, it is almost over!

I got done with work at 6:15!  I honestly think it is a first to be done that early on a Thursday in a VERY long time.  I won't lie, I HAD to be out of there by 6:15....even taking a 2 hour lunch limited me to an early close.  WOOT!  I got home and was able to start making some pretty delicious dark chocolate brownies with peanut butter and chocolate chips!  Rachel brought over some tiny 99cent Eddy's ice cream cups and some great news!  Not one, not two, BUT THREE new people may join our "book pair" as her brother likes to call it.  We talked over Emma for about an hour when she made the motion to: "Never watch a movie based on the book before we actually finish the book."  We had watched Clueless the previous movie night and she felt it somehow spoilt the book since she knew what was going to happen.  I then chuckled, agreed, and pointed out I had Bridget Jones's Diary that we still had not watched - it turned into movie night.  We ate ice cream and brownies and swooned over Mr. Darcy.  Umm, who wouldn't?

We then parted for the night.  I was all set to go to my aunt's with my sister for a scrap booking weekend.  I got a call late in the afternoon letting me know that my aunt was in the hospital with an infection in her hand!  Elisabeth and I ended up going for a run/walk.  We then went to see Dark Shadows with Rachel!  It was pretty awesome.  We weren't expecting it to be quite so gruesome, but it was still rather funny.  There's nothing really to say more about the movie, just a classic Tim Burton film mixing the comical and grotesque.  I got home to watch the Brewers in their 13 inning game...finally ending in a win!

Yesterday, I was finally able to pull my sister away from home to go buy our mother's day present for our mom.  I also bought a kayak carrier and a life vest so I can take my kayak out.  We went through the drive through car wash to get rid of all the nasty bird poop on my car (Yay for parking under a tree), got $6 in quarters back from the machine, and still, after it all, had chunks of bird poop stuck to my car (>.<).  We then went to check the Redbox for a good movie.  We didn't find anything.  Rachel then came over and we looked at a different Redbox and found a Colin Farrell movie: London Boulevard. It was a rather interesting movie, very violent, and had a horrible ending.  He was so close.  Rachel's comment:  "That was the ending?!?  I had to look at completely unnecessary boobs for that?!? Well, I guess if you already have the R rating, you may as well go all out for it and through in some topless waitress that just leans into shot."

All these movies in and I've still found time to read 2 books and shop.  I'm such an awesome girl, guess I learned it from my mom.  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To the Max

OMG - my whole body hurts.  It has been a long day.  It started with running and is ending with a Brewer's game.  Work went surprisingly smooth today...I'm hoping the rest of the week will be as easy as today.  I'm a little saddened tonight - Poor Max is gone.  I was quite resigned to the fact that Melissa and Max, as well as Roshon and Chelsie, were going to be going home tonight.  Sad :C 

I'm so tired that I can't even see straight for typing.  Good night - next year, Max, you will WIN!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sleepy Blood

Ugh, I am so tired.  I have a massive headache and really need sleep.  My co-worker is going to be going on vacation tomorrow.  I am so worried about my hours going way over 80 hours and my boss not wanting me to.  I guess he'll have to decide between work getting done and paying me over time. 

I took a long lunch today and I finished The Van Allen Legacy by Melissa de la Cruz.  I've like the novels and I'm kind of anxious to see what will happen next.  It isn't the greatest book or the best written, but I really like the concept of it in a time when the world has gone vampire crazy. The vampires in the Blue Bloods novels are actually cursed/fallen angels.  The vampire and angel lore is very interesting when blended by Melissa de la Cruz.  I'm so torn between the love triangle of Ollie, Jack, and Schulyer.  Not to mention, poor Kingsley.  I don't think we've seen the last of him, nor do I want this to be the last of him. 

I also finished Emma this all know how I feel about Emma and Knightly! 

I watched War Horse the other day...hello puffy eyed mess.  I love how my mother cries out from the other room: "Is that the horse you are crying for? Go figure, you wouldn't cry that hard for a man!"  Oh my mother and the things she sometimes says.   I have not watched Black Beauty since I was a child because horse movies just seem to tear me apart.  This was no exception.  The story follows Joey (known my multiple names) from the day of his birth, through training, plowing fields, being sold to the army, working for both the Allies and the Axis, raising the spirits of a little French girl, and finally making it through the war.  It was a fantastic story and it made me bawl.