Monday, May 7, 2012

Sleepy Blood

Ugh, I am so tired.  I have a massive headache and really need sleep.  My co-worker is going to be going on vacation tomorrow.  I am so worried about my hours going way over 80 hours and my boss not wanting me to.  I guess he'll have to decide between work getting done and paying me over time. 

I took a long lunch today and I finished The Van Allen Legacy by Melissa de la Cruz.  I've like the novels and I'm kind of anxious to see what will happen next.  It isn't the greatest book or the best written, but I really like the concept of it in a time when the world has gone vampire crazy. The vampires in the Blue Bloods novels are actually cursed/fallen angels.  The vampire and angel lore is very interesting when blended by Melissa de la Cruz.  I'm so torn between the love triangle of Ollie, Jack, and Schulyer.  Not to mention, poor Kingsley.  I don't think we've seen the last of him, nor do I want this to be the last of him. 

I also finished Emma this all know how I feel about Emma and Knightly! 

I watched War Horse the other day...hello puffy eyed mess.  I love how my mother cries out from the other room: "Is that the horse you are crying for? Go figure, you wouldn't cry that hard for a man!"  Oh my mother and the things she sometimes says.   I have not watched Black Beauty since I was a child because horse movies just seem to tear me apart.  This was no exception.  The story follows Joey (known my multiple names) from the day of his birth, through training, plowing fields, being sold to the army, working for both the Allies and the Axis, raising the spirits of a little French girl, and finally making it through the war.  It was a fantastic story and it made me bawl. 

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