Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time Flies

It seems like ages since last week Wednesday!  I can't believe it has only been 7 short days.  Nothing astoundingly life changing has happened in these days.  Last Wednesday was the first ever work day I have actually taken off.  Not that I really had the time too - I've been making up for it this week with 10 1/4 hour days.  I still have to work an extra 6 hours this Friday to be caught up on hours.  Sorry kayak, you may have to spend the day in the storage space another day.

My sleep schedule has been a little off lately.  Someone new has apparently moved into the building right around the time it became open window season.  New Girl, I respect you and your Sex and the City moment, but can we close the windows?  11pm, just a little awkward.  3am, ANNOYING.  Especially when it took me another hour + to get back to sleep.  Your screaming/moaning/shouting is beginning to get on my nerves.  There are children who live in the building too!  Think of the kids!

Speaking of loud noises that contort your face: Philip Phillips won American Idol.  I haven't really watched that much Idol since the first season.  Ryan Seacrest annoys me, just about as much as J Lo drives me crazy.  I can't believe that it took 2, 2 hours shows get to the "finale."  The finale was such crap.  It just seems like they were trying their hardest to fill every minute with something - it just got beyond saving.  What was that with the guy proposing all creepy and awkward on stage?  Oh yeah, filler time so they can drag the announcing of the "American Idol" to a second night of 2 hours to which everyone was only watching for the last 5 minutes.
Jessica Sanchez is a fantastic singer, but Phil had it locked down.  All the other "American Idols" haven't really appealed to me, but I think Philip Phillips will be the first Idol since Kelly Clarkson that I will actually listen to and buy an album from. You go Philip Phillips, because even if it looks like you'll go in your pants when you sing, you have one amazing talent.  It was so sweet and adorable when he teared up on stage and then walked down to his family.

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh. If my name were Philip Phillips I wouldn't want to go see my family!
