Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

This weekend got off to a pretty amazing start!  Oh poop, it is almost over!

I got done with work at 6:15!  I honestly think it is a first to be done that early on a Thursday in a VERY long time.  I won't lie, I HAD to be out of there by 6:15....even taking a 2 hour lunch limited me to an early close.  WOOT!  I got home and was able to start making some pretty delicious dark chocolate brownies with peanut butter and chocolate chips!  Rachel brought over some tiny 99cent Eddy's ice cream cups and some great news!  Not one, not two, BUT THREE new people may join our "book pair" as her brother likes to call it.  We talked over Emma for about an hour when she made the motion to: "Never watch a movie based on the book before we actually finish the book."  We had watched Clueless the previous movie night and she felt it somehow spoilt the book since she knew what was going to happen.  I then chuckled, agreed, and pointed out I had Bridget Jones's Diary that we still had not watched - it turned into movie night.  We ate ice cream and brownies and swooned over Mr. Darcy.  Umm, who wouldn't?

We then parted for the night.  I was all set to go to my aunt's with my sister for a scrap booking weekend.  I got a call late in the afternoon letting me know that my aunt was in the hospital with an infection in her hand!  Elisabeth and I ended up going for a run/walk.  We then went to see Dark Shadows with Rachel!  It was pretty awesome.  We weren't expecting it to be quite so gruesome, but it was still rather funny.  There's nothing really to say more about the movie, just a classic Tim Burton film mixing the comical and grotesque.  I got home to watch the Brewers in their 13 inning game...finally ending in a win!

Yesterday, I was finally able to pull my sister away from home to go buy our mother's day present for our mom.  I also bought a kayak carrier and a life vest so I can take my kayak out.  We went through the drive through car wash to get rid of all the nasty bird poop on my car (Yay for parking under a tree), got $6 in quarters back from the machine, and still, after it all, had chunks of bird poop stuck to my car (>.<).  We then went to check the Redbox for a good movie.  We didn't find anything.  Rachel then came over and we looked at a different Redbox and found a Colin Farrell movie: London Boulevard. It was a rather interesting movie, very violent, and had a horrible ending.  He was so close.  Rachel's comment:  "That was the ending?!?  I had to look at completely unnecessary boobs for that?!? Well, I guess if you already have the R rating, you may as well go all out for it and through in some topless waitress that just leans into shot."

All these movies in and I've still found time to read 2 books and shop.  I'm such an awesome girl, guess I learned it from my mom.  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

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