Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Little Bit of Heaven

So I tried my idea of blogging the night before and then transferring them to a computer with internet later! HA - that would work if I could find one of the two jump drives I own.  It is like, sometimes, you just can't win.

Tomorrow I have a day that I get to make my own hours.  I love when the doctor is gone - I can get so much office work done that I can't squeeze into a 9.5/10hour day when we have patients.  I'm hoping to be liberated earlier so both my sister and I can go get something for our correctly sized "girls." It is amazing what Ali Cudby taught me in one book.  CRAZY!

So onto movies:  I recently watched A Little Bit of Heaven.   Marley, played by Kate Hudson, is a marketing/PR maven.  She is hitting the prime of her life: great job, a great dog, great friends, a satisfying sex life; however, she lacks true love.  Her assistant notices that she hasn't been looking very well and shoos her to the doctor.  Little does she know, that appointment is going to change her life.  She discovers she has colon cancer after a colonoscopy procedure where she met God (Whoopie Goldberg plays her representation of God).  Whoopie/God tells her that she is dying and she can have 3 wishes.  Marley jokingly asks to fly.  After contemplation and asking if God was joking, she then suggests a million dollars as a test.  God says, ok, but I know that isn't what you really want.  Marley wakes up in the procedure room and brushes the incident off.  Then she begins to get signs that it was no joke! She also discovers what her true, third wish really involves.

I think they mislabeled that film as a comedy. It did have some funny parts, but not really the happiest ending. I also think the PG-13 was a little low of a rating.  Sex, sex, sex, potty mouth, nudity, and a masturbation talk.  WHOA - awkward while watching with your mother and younger sister. It was also not the best movie to watch about a person with Stage 4 Colon cancer like my grandmother. It was still a very cute movie, despite making all who watched with me cry. Gael Garcia Bernal didn't hurt the appeal of the movie either.

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