Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Testy Tuesday Flop and a Tired Wednesday

Ugh, yesterday I got up at 6, biked over to work (only to find that the exercise room was already occupied), I biked home the long way, did my workout at home (with cans of beans in place of weights), and then I got ready for work.  I worked from 7:45-6:12 before madly biking to yoga.  There wasn't going to be any 7:15 class and I was really wanting to go to yoga.  Oi, I have so been out of the hard, fast paced yoga for too long.  I hurt all over today.  Did you know, there is a position called "The Bird of Paradise."  You be crazy if you try that....ok, I attempted, but I could barely get my leg off the ground.

This is after you have worked your way up from a bent over/crouched position
A short bike ride home to dinner. I was really excited for this dinner. I kind of pulled a Chopped challenge and just threw things from my fridge together. Over lunch I started a marinade of peaches, red and yellow peppers, olive oil, and the usual salt and pepper, for a piece of haddock. I then took the peaches out of the marinade and cooked them in a pan with some brown rice while I broiled the haddock.  Oh, I had such high hopes.  I was let down.  I don't really like fish that much to begin with, so I was really hoping the peaches and peppers would add a lovely pop of flavor to the gross meat.  Unfortunately, it was just plain bland!  I'm a horrible Chopped chef, I'd have chopped me.  My mint chip ice cream was really good, especially with a bit of Magic Shell on it.  I then did all my chores, wrote some letters, and read some Lucky magazine.  Despite my eyelids practically dragging for hours, I couldn't fall asleep! 

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