Thursday, June 14, 2012


Wow, I am using the E-stim (electric stimulation) on my sore muscles from this weeks intense workout plan.  Boy does it feel good.  I am so glad I work for someone who has all these gadgets I can borrow to make me feel better. 

This thing is so easy to use too!
Our departure time for our weekend getaway has been shortened to 9am, as opposed to noon.  Wow, so glad mom filled me in on that...tonight at quarter to 8.  Now I have to try and get everything done tonight and still squeeze in my workout tomorrow morning. I guess I can't be too mad, I did get a dollar raise today!  WOOT! 

I am really excited about this coming August.  I have it marked on my calender in BIG BOLD TYPE (and a picture).  I'm going to be able to see Mumford and Sons for the first time since Paris!  I don't know if this can get much better than Paris, since Marcus did walk right past me (I was too awestruck to say anything).  I just still need to find someone to go with me; I bought two tickets so I don't have to be a girl alone in a tent at a folk festival.  Things could get weird.  Dixon, Illinois, I can't wait to invade you for the Dixon Stopover.

This is currently my favorite song to listen to by them.  When it plays at work, I can't help but smile.

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