Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Run Run Run

Oi - I ran my butt off this morning.  I ran the majority of my 25 minutes this morning.  My body ached most of the day.  I was planning on yoga tonight, but I hurt.  Not to mention, I didn't feel the best around the start of yoga and I wanted to watch Pretty Little Liars. 

Ok, I came across the book reading list that Rory Gilmore has compiled for herself.  I now have a new book reading list.  Well, I need to get home to the new chore list I made myself.  I broke up the things I usually pack into a day on the weekend.  I figured if I broke them up into a few easy chores a day, my house can stay clean all the time and I don't have to spend parts of my weekend (rain or shine) spent holed up in my house...cleaning!!

1 comment:

  1. Yea, running the Goliath challenge might be more dream than reality. I start outdoor running tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. LOVE YOU!
