Monday, April 30, 2012

Passo Over Napoleon

I'm so excited for DWTS.  This is like the first season I have really watched.  I watched more of the UK version of the show than I've watched of the American version.  I honestly have only seen like 2 shows before this, but I am hooked now.  If I work out, I make sure to get it done before 7pm.  I didn't get done with work until 7:15 tonight, so it didn't happen.  My bum ankle and toe on my right foot have kept me from really working out lately.  I have been icing it and using the laser on it, but it still hurts like crazy.

I am completely shocked at this moment - how did Team Tango beat Team Passo.  That Passo Doble rocked my socks.  Not since Strictly Ballroom has a Passo Doble blown my mind.  It was pretty awesome and all the guys cape twirling was beyond amazing.

I finally finished Napoleon's Hemorrhoids last night while enjoying a dark chocolate hot cocoa.  I just heated up some milk and added some dark cocoa powder to it - fantastic.  The best part, no crap sugar and artificial flavors.

Napoleon's Hemorrhoids is a fantastic book.  I'm the kind of person that enjoys random information.  Some of the stuff just blows my mind.  I read another book earlier this year and it was amazing to hear that the American Revolution might have been put to a stop if a guy sent to assassinate one of the fore fathers hadn't tripped and broken his arm. As my mother would call it: "one of those books that will help you win a trivia contest someday." 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So I woke up at quarter to 6 this morning.  That like never happens.  :D  I decided, instead of lying around, I'd get up and get my workout in before work.  This then freed up my evening to go to the early yoga class and get home for BREWERS!  The game is getting a little sad.  That homer just sucked.  Hopefully we can get it back. 

I did the wheel today in yoga.  I don't think I've been in that position since I was 5.   I also got really close with my fellow yoga student tonight.  We did a pose where person one is in lotus with arms wrapped behind, person two has their legs on top of person one and holds their hands.  Person one then tips their head back and arches back.  Person one then comes back up using their abs with neck still tipped up and back. It looks really hard, but it turns out to be easier than it looks - not that easy, but not impossibly difficult.

I think I just found a new addiction since iRead no longer seems to be on, I have goodreads.  I've already spent too much time on it, but I can't seem to stop finding new books to add. Oi.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Revisiting Emma

I drank way too much wine last night. WAY too much....for me; which was about 4 glasses of wine. I got Brideshead Revisited and I am quite enjoying reading it. Today was such a long, dull day. The cloudy weather was making everyone so tired and wanting nap time. Over lunch, I really just wanted to stay curled up under my covers and continue on with my book.

I'm working on Emma still and a few other books. Now I need to head out for the gym and then I can finally curl back up under my covers like I really want. And as I discovered last week, working out right before bed only leads to some of the freakiest dreams. Exercise + chocolate = unconscious mind gone wild.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Wow, I feel rushed to write something. I recovered my chair the other day and it looks fantastic! I am so excited that it is dry and I can take it home! I also worked the book sale and got myself a whole bag of books for just 2 bucks. I got the whole Black Adder series for just $0.50. Book sales are fantastic.

I was flipping back and forth between the game and my movie, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Unfortunately, we were sucking so badly that I just watched the movie. It was a very interesting movie. I had a bit of a hunch as to who the mole was of the bunch. Did I mention, I love Tom Hardy. Add him and Colin Firth to a movie - whoa. Colin Firth is just fantastic. So is Gary Oldman. His characters are always so well done and this was no exception. He got me interested in the life of a very dull man: himself, George Smiley. It was really quite an intense film and I really liked the way the story was told. I was a little confused for a while about the spy who got shot - is he alive still, is this a flash back story, are him and that guy really lovers or just best friends? I want to know these things! For some reason, the name Smiley makes me think of something else...mainly, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Pal

I tried something new today!!  My friend suggested a website that she is using to help her with her fitness goals.  It is It is really helpful and tracks more than just calories.  I was really surprised to see how much protein I was eating.  I went over my grams of protein by a lot today!  It was my first day, and I had eaten a majority of my food for the day before I logged on and started adding things up.  I could hear my boss telling me to skip the 130 grams of carbs I had left and make my already -30 grams of protein left for consumption even higher.  He's on a huge no carbs, lots of protein kick.  I went over on my goal calories by 26 whole calories - that stupid apple really put me over.  I wish the one thing this site could do that is doesn't do already, is track grams of sugar.  That would really be helpful. It is a super easy format and the food lists they have are quite extensive.  They even have Aldi brand foods on their lists.

It does keep track of calories burned with exercise; so I logged my 10 minutes of biking (to and from work), an hour of yoga, and 30 minutes of strength training.  When you add exercise to your routine, you get more calories to eat!  Yay!