We got our new running belt yesterday: Ruffwear Omnijore Joring System. So today we tested it out. Titus and I got to take it out on a run and it worked out fantastic. It is a thick belt that secures around the waist and has additional straps that secure around each leg. I purchased the waist belt that is part of a system that can be used for dogs to pull you on skis, etc. I am interested in trying it with roller blades this summer. The towline is in the front and lets the dog go to either side or straight ahead. It gives Titus freedom to move from side to side but I can control the length of the towline. It took a little getting used to the way it felt on my low back but the awkwardness subsided as we got used to the new belt and system. Titus was running while I was walking during our warm up (so he was somewhat running in place). Normally, that would nearly pull me off my feet, but this belt worked great for keeping me on my feet despite him pulling on the line. I have a light weight chain that I clip onto the towline and then onto Titus. It also worked well when I took all three dogs out. I used the same line and attached it to my leash splitter. I was able to take all dogs out at once. They did well, only getting tangled a few times. The belt helps disperse their pull across my body. They saw a squirrel (they are new to Wisconsin and non-tropical animals) so they were pulling to go check out this new creature. This waist belt was so worth the extra money, especially when you have large dogs...and want to walk/run more than one of them at the same time. I love burning off all their extra energy. Snoozing dogs make me a happy dog mom...it means they aren't chewing anything to pieces :)
Today, I watched the movie He Named Me Malala, while cozied on the couch with my doggies. This movie is basically a companion to her book I am Malala. The book is amazing, by the way. She talks about her life before and after the Taliban entered the region in which she lived, and the changes it brought in her valley, as well as in her life. She had to stand up for herself and the rights of the people around her. Her whole family is amazing; I like that they say it is better to die (free) speaking the truth than live a lie (as a slave). She is such an eloquent speaker and she motivates me to want to have an impact with my life. What really struck me about her was she talked about how she didn't feel hate for those who hurt her and she shied away from speaking about the suffering she has experienced. Her father said it well: it wasn't a person who shot Malala, it was an ideology. I think this sentiment is greatly needed right now, with all the racial and religion tension right now causing violence. It's hate filled ideology that is causing these actions. Shine a light of truth on the matter and these ideologies begin to fade. God made each and every one of us and he has plans laid before our feet.
Malala is so young and doing so much for girls' education all over the world. I am proud of Malala and wish there were more like her influencing the world. Less superficial culture and more real compassion and action with this short life we have on this planet. I wish we focused less on possessions and objects and more on helping the people around us. God is so good to us and we have the chance to share His love and goodness with all. He is risen. Amen and Happy Resurrection Sunday.
I think I'm just going to adopt the moniker. I love my dogs. Every post I make from here on out will probably always be about my dogs or pit bulls. Let's just face it. I'm a loco, crazy, pit bull (all dogs) lady. Lately, my mind has been all over the place. And I spend more time circling around one thought/problem/solution, I could be a vulture by now. Spending time with these dogs help me put the iPhone down and just enjoy the moment (unless I'm snapping shots of them). They bring me into the present moment and help me to relax. I love them. My life wasn't as full without them here with me. I'm so happy to have them. Happy National Puppy Day :) So live in the present moment and give your pet of choice a squeeze, they do so much for us by loving us completely.
I was pretty exhausted last night. I noticed the right side of my throat was swollen yesterday. This, coupled with my low "fever" last Friday; I just stayed home and crawled into my bed. I was originally going to crawl into bed at 8, but when I went to put my dogs into the kennel for bed, Toby was acting up. I think he just needed some lovey time with mom all by himself. So I brought him in, and we cuddled on the couch for about an hour. He rubbed all over the couch and then finally settled in next to me. He's such a love bug. I decided last night that I will alternate nights and just let one at a time come in and have some lovey time. They all have dog pile time, but sometimes that's just not enough. I get spoiled with love and so do they :) Win/Win.
So my Testy Tuesday review is on the BingPet running belt. This picture is SO deceiving. I even searched running belt/hands free leash for large dogs. The lady must be tiny!! Because this belt is about as big, and useful, as a decorative belt. This belt didn't last 5 feet out the door. The ring for attaching the leash to pulled apart. The chain I have attached is a light weight chain but 120lb strength. The "stretchy" belt is REALLY stretchy. There's about two or more feet between my waist and the belt in this photo...and he could have pulled more. I paid $25 plus shipping for this belt. The only thing I found cool about this belt was that is lights up. I'd say this running belt should have no association for dogs. It would be better used for a human running belt. And the dog leash attachment ring would be better suited for your house key. Or maybe if you have a 5lb or less dog. I'm returning this promptly and getting something more substantial. We still got our run in, but my organs now know what it's like to be in a corset. I took his regular chain leash, pulled the leash end through the handle, and then attached this chain to the leash hook. We made it through. I can't wait to go on another run. I'm sure he's looking forward to it too. Just need to kick this throat ick. He honestly went for this 34 minute run with me and then went on a 30 minute walk with the other two dogs. He's got a ton of energy to spare...and the more energy he has, the more trouble he gets into.
I had kind of a slug day yesterday. On Friday I was feeling dizzy and nauseous. I also took my temperature and it was 96.2! I crawled under the covers and went back to bed. So Saturday, between making sure my puppies got walks and cuddles, I mostly plopped in front of the television and watched some movies. I rented Suffragette, Spectre, and The Intern.
Suffragette was really good. I liked that it told the story of Emily Davison without making the movie about her. I remember first learning about how they used to force feed the women prisoners on hunger strikes. I was in college, and my imagination is very vivid. When my professor was describing this, I kind of giggled. He was like - are you a sadist? No, I'm just trying to imagine someone trying to force-feed a pissed off suffragette. This movie definitely made me take back my scoff. That scene was brutal to witness. That scene was also when I knew this film would break-away and tell the story of Emily Davison (my clue: we can't give them a martyr for their cause). I knew of Emily Davison and was excited to see this movie discuss her story. I have often wondered how modern culture might view her: martyr or terrorist? I think now days, everything is so easily labeled terrorist. Most of their actions were civil disobedience and property/wealth destruction. This is just a good movie that covers this topic in a very intelligent way. Plus, if you had no clue about Emily Davison before this film, I'm sure Google helped you out afterwards.
Spectre was a Bond movie. It was action and romance titilating. Swoon worthy Daniel Craig plays 007 to a T. He's my favorite bond. I think he brings a different element to Bond. Not just a womanizing spy, but also a man with emotions and duty. I actually fell asleep a couple times and awoke at a confusing scene with drilling. I had to rewind a bit and then re-watch. It was good and I almost feel like they closed the Bond saga. Who knows, they may resurrect him again, but I hope he chooses love this time...and is allowed to keep it!
Plus. I think I'm in love with the fact that Daniel Craig is married to Rachel Weiss (I adore her). That may be why he ranks as my favorite Bond. Althought I do love Timothy Dalton too. :)
The Intern was such a cute movie. Anne Hathaway is always a favorite. This was both female and senior citizen empowering. Love and work drive us. And we need to have something keeping us busy. Robert DeNiro did such a good job in this role. The young owner/creator of a growing online clothing company (Anne) gets some help and persceptive on life from a senior citizen intern. It was motivating to see Robert DeNiro support his female boss and really be a "he for she" kind of guy. He supported her business and her running it. He gave her life advice and business advice. It was a wrapped in a pretty bow ending. Happy ending, just what you wanted. It had me tearing up a bit at some points. But it was a great message.