Sunday, March 27, 2016

He Named Me Malala

Today, I watched the movie He Named Me Malala, while cozied on the couch with my doggies.  This movie is basically a companion to her book I am Malala.  The book is amazing, by the way.  She talks about her life before and after the Taliban entered the region in which she lived, and the changes it brought in her valley, as well as in her life.  She had to stand up for herself and the rights of the people around her.  Her whole family is amazing;  I like that they say it is better to die (free) speaking the truth than live a lie (as a slave).  She is such an eloquent speaker and she motivates me to want to have an impact with my life.  What really struck me about her was she talked about how she didn't feel hate for those who hurt her and she shied away from speaking about the suffering she has experienced.  Her father said it well: it wasn't a person who shot Malala, it was an ideology. I think this sentiment is greatly needed right now, with all the racial and religion tension right now causing violence.  It's hate filled ideology that is causing these actions.  Shine a light of truth on the matter and these ideologies begin to fade.  God made each and every one of us and he has plans laid before our feet.
Malala is so young and doing so much for girls' education all over the world. I am proud of Malala and wish there were more like her influencing the world.  Less superficial culture and more real compassion and action with this short life we have on this planet.  I wish we focused less on possessions and objects and more on helping the people around us. God is so good to us and we have the chance to share His love and goodness with all.  He is risen.  Amen and Happy Resurrection Sunday.

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