Sunday, March 26, 2017

Busy Busy, Shockingly Busy

I have been so busy lately, I mostly watch ID (Investigation Discovery) with my family while we eat and then I work on my Spanish lesson with Duolingo.  ID is bad for me, if I start a few minutes of a show, I have to figure out what happened.  So I try to stop myself before I even begin. Plus,  I feel like I never have time for my chores; the need to get done chores. I haven't even had time to get to the gym lately 😡 Not to mention, I got an ear/sinus infection on the right side of my face.  It was so bad, I thought that I had cracked a tooth.  I've been taking some decongestion medicines and bam, no more tooth pain (thank God).  It has been a rough couple of weeks, but I am excited to keep learning at my job.

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