Friday, March 3, 2017

How does Dr. Freeze pee?

Favorite Song(s) of the week:
Bitch I'm Madonna - It really just pumps me up

Favorite Quote(s) of the week:
I wonder how Dr. Freeze pees? Oh, that rhymed.  But seriously, his body is cold so it wouldn’t really come out, unless it was ice crystals.  That would be like urinary crystals then.  Ouch!  No wonder he was grumpy and committed all those crimes; it hurt to pee!

"My family watched The Middle this week and were like, 'this is totally our family.' I guess I'm the littlest kid, except I don't repeat under-my-breath, but I could start."
"Oh no, you are totally Sue."
"I can see it, but you haven't met my sister yet."

Favorite thing done this week:

Favorite show/movie of week:
The show Fear Thy Neighbor is totally Springer on roids.

Favorite thing read:
Still on the same book

Favorite event:
Random act of kindness

Most inspired moment:
Long run at the gym

Thought(s)/Epiphany (ies) of the week:
I accept what is and what was; I look forward to what will be.
This song I thought was all about self love (self-esteem) is actually all about "self-love." 😉😮

Weirdest dream:
All I've got is bits and pieces of this dream.  I was in "my home" in Puerto Rico, it was in Puntas and a pretty tropical pink color. I walked out of the house and then I was in a hotel with lot of people I knew.  Myself and a guy were having a discussion/disagreement about a car, I think.  This guy, myself, and the large group we were with were trying to pile into the elevator.  We sent two elevator loads up ahead of us.  While the guy and I were waiting for the elevator, I was popping a zit on his cheek and he asked me why I had said something.  I explained myself and it seemed our disagreement had been a misunderstanding of a Spanish phrase.  I kissed him and we stepped hand-in-hand into the elevator.  Then I woke up.

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