Thursday, March 9, 2017

Squat it like it's hot

It's a girl's prerogative to change her mind, right!  I already re-designed my dream home.  And I need to redesign it again.  I need to change some of the sizing up again.  I don't want a house this large.  And I know it can be condensed down further.  Plus, my dream home is like a hobbit home.  I want the outer walls to be made with recycled tires and heated floors! 
Physical: Last night I went to the gym and I hex squatted 100lbs (2 sets of 10)!  I also got 50 lunges (25 each leg), my lifting, and 2 planks lasting longer than a minute!  I am very excited to see myself progressing in that area.  My weight, still exactly the same!!!  In November/December, I tried Garnica Cambogia.  I gained 10lbs in the first week and I have yet to lose that weight.  I don't know if it was just my bodies reaction to that product or what, but I'm not to pleased about it!  I must fit into my size 8 dress for my friend's wedding in June.

Relationships: I have been meeting so many amazing people at work this week.  I am so happy to be around PEOPLE!  Yay.  Which leads me to... 

Career: I started my new position this Monday.  I have another 5 weeks of training to go.  This week has mostly been introduction to the company, our benefits, and filling out paperwork.  We are starting to learn some stuff about the position and our expectations.  I am a little nervous, but I know that God has led me to this position (after a year of applying and being turned down for because there were "more experienced candidates."  I still want to know HOW?!?!?  But this job I have now, is a million times better than many of the positions on which I got passed up.   

Spiritual: God is oh so good to me.  I have an amazing support group through my DGroup.  The study we are doing, Focus on the Family's The Truth Project, is beyond amazing.  Every time we have a meeting, it's like my eyes are opened to something new I had never thought of before.  It is astounding.

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