Sunday, January 20, 2013

Awkward Turtle

I'm too excited about the trip I just set up to go to Virginia to talk about a movie!  I am so excited - I can hardly stand it!  History and hiking galore - oh my!  Not to mention, it will be like rock-a-billy HEAVEN.  I'm a little nervous to head out there with one of my rather new acquaintances, but it should be super fun.  I'm sure we'll be super sore from hiking and the drive is really going to suck. 

Besides being excited about my trip, I honestly have not watched a movie.  I bravely lasted until last night, but I started up again with How I Met Your Mother.   I almost made it a week!  Other than a lot of How I Met Your Mother, I was too involved in the 49s and Falcons game.  My sister was a little scared by my screaming at the tv.  I'm sure my neighbors were too. Oops.  It was a little intense and I often had to explain why I was "cheering" so loudly to my younger sister.  She understands soccer; I understand football.  She thought that by catching the ball they should really get points!  I'm glad the team I was cheering for won.  That's right, I was cheering for the 49s and Kaepernick.  They soundly trounced the Packers, so I have to cheer them on in the Super Bowl now. 

"Awkward turtle" - makes me laugh every time!
Do you know the best part about the Super Bowl?!?  No, it isn't the commercials!  It's partly the game and partly the knowledge that baseball season is starting up soon!!

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