Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Test Kitchen Beware

This last week I decided to get organized in the kitchen: writing out menus, cleaning out the fridge (the freezer is a mess and I'm a little afraid to tackle that mess), organizing cupboards, and doing the dishes daily.  The menu has been great so far.  I spend a lot of time in the kitchen though.  Not that it isn't worth it to have some yummy chili or shrimp fried rice.  I just made chili and tomorrow's meal: Spanish rice.  I had a majority of the ingredients out tonight for chili, so I figured I'd save myself some time tonight and make up tomorrows dinner.  Score!  My fridge is becoming dangerously full with leftovers.  I have carrot soup, chili, Spanish rice, and cooked bacon EVERYWHERE.  It seems that no matter how you pare down soup recipes, you still end up having enough to feed an entire army!  I told my mother the majority of the meals I was going to be making this week and guess who else decided to have both chili and Spanish rice this week.  Silly mommy!  Oh well, my fridge is stocked and I very well may be going on a soup diet since I seem to have so much on hand now.  Now the real test is getting this to transfer over into the next week. 

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