Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Grandma Toll House

So this weekend my sister and I made a bunch of family recipes.  We ended up just laughing ridiculously because almost all of the recipes were just partial.  My great grandma's bread roll recipe was hilarious to read.  Add a bunch of precisely measured ingredients into bowl, mix, then add more flour.  No amount, just add flour.  It also said, "bake for 15 minutes or so, they'll be done sooner or later."  I love my grandma so much.  It didn't end there though - the hummus recipe simply called for olive oil.  No amount, just add it.  The recipe for peanut butter frosting: butter, milk, powdered sugar, and peanut butter.  "I don't know amounts, if I were in the kitchen with you I could just show you how to do it."  Well, the first attempt at the frosting was a bit thick.  Despite someone convincing me it was fine, I still ended up adding milk and the bumpy frosting became smooth. Miracle!  It was a ridiculously good meal - thanks grandmas.  So maybe everyone should get a family recipe and try making it.  Heck, if you can only make Grandma Toll House's recipe, then go for it.

1 comment:

  1. Also, when people say, "add to taste" what does that mean? How do you know you've added too much until it tastes bad? Grr. It was seriously fun though & delicious;) NOM NOM carrot jello
