Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Puppies for All

I don't have anything good to talk about.  I'm completely exhausted.  After yoga yesterday, my triceps have been killing me.  I've been stretching them out all day long but they still hurt!  Biofreeze for everyone!  Ok, mostly just my triceps galore.  Biofreeze is the greatest thing ever right now.  Not going to yoga class for a whole month gets you really out of shape!

Oh, last night, I totally had a dream at everyone was getting a dog.  All the people on my street had puppies and I was totally  jealous.  A patient brought his dog in today and I think I lit up like a Christmas tree because my boss was suddenly like, "you really need a dog!"   I know I do.  I really need to move my life in the direction that gets me a dog.  Silly girl, puppies are for adults.

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