Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration of an Heiress

I've been either working or working out since 6:30am; I have yet to watch any of the inauguration.  *Fun fact: inauguration comes from a Latin word which means to divine by watching the flight of birds.  Apparently no Roman politician was appointed to office without consulting the birds first.  I just read that today in my Why We Say It book. 

I did finish my first book of the year though.  So happy.  Only 44 more to go before I meet my goal of 45 book read in a year.  The book I finished was American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin .  I both liked and didn't like the book.  Some parts were pretty interesting and others were just disappointing.  The whole time you were hoping that something great was going to happen, but it never did.  There never seemed to be a climax to the book.  Mostly just a flat line --------^---\.  There were a few ups and downs as you can see by that wonderful illustration I added.  The story follows an American heiress desperate to get away from her controlling mother but equally desperate to be loved for something more than her money.  She begs the American man she loves to marry her and take her away, but he is scared by her money and that it could mean the end of his dreams to be a painter.  She reluctantly follows her mother to Europe in her mother's crazy scheme to find her a husband with a title.  By accident, she winds up in the arms of a rather dark and mysterious Duke in want of a wife.  She is smitten by the dark Duke, but she can never really tell if his love in genuine or not.  She also is left to blunder about English society without knowing the social rules for a Duchess.  In the end, she has to decide what love is really worth keeping around. 


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