Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big Brother Wants to Know

I am a little concerned. My job has put me in a bit of an awkward situation - and I don't mean the guy that fell out of his short shorts at the gym that I have to see once a month now - no, I know that the government is no requiring a lot of information. The are going to require knowing Height, Weight, BMI, all the medications and supplements you are taking, if you smoke, if you use alcohol - how much, etc., etc.

It is a little concerning to know that Big Brother is wanting so much information on me. How much is too much for them to know? Is there nothing I can keep from being noted and filed? I know in the Facebook generation, we willingly put quite a bit of information out on the web; but those are our decisions. Now, going to the doctor for anything will get your information taken and given to the government.

I am further concerned about the FDA deciding to take over supplements. The FDA wants to control supplements now and force them to do ridiculous tests. I guess the pharmaceutical controlled government likes their money too much to really care about the preventative health measures that supplements provide. I find this all very funny because the government wants to have all this information on us so they can help us give up bad habits for good health - thus limiting what they'd have to spend on health care. I wouldn't be surprised if the Vitamin D supplements I need will soon have the price jacked up on them so high that it is only really plausible to get a prescription for it. If you want to learn more, you can read this article and get involved.

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