Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Heading out to vote! We are having a referendum...so nothing too terribly interesting. The vote is about what our city should do with the Old Gym. While I am about saving old buildings and preserving parts of history, but I also understand that we have NO money to pay for the up keep of the building. The city doesn't have the money and the schools here are already having to get rid of special education teachers and resources.
I can't say that I am too depressed that the building will be going. I just have horrid memories of running the stairs or around and around the dang thing! Not to mention I had to have horrid art class with the world's creepiest art teacher (his breath smelt of salami, coffee, and bubble gum...every day!). Not to mention, he made us watch a documentary on Leonardo Da Vinci - it was approximately 10 hours long. I now hate Leonardo Da Vinci just because of that movie. So - here is to the fate of the Old Gym!

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