Sunday, September 18, 2011

Borrowed Tenderness

So I am waiting for my TV show to come on : Drop Dead Diva. It's the season finale and I'm really excited for it!
I didn't get a chance to blog on Thursday since I ran out of the house in the hopes of catching an anthropology lecture that was going on at the library. Turns out, that was the only night that it wasn't being held at the library. Gah! Oh well, I'd already missed the ones I had really wanted to hear the previous night.
This afternoon I watched Something Borrowed with some friends. I was laughing my butt off and screaming at the tv. I love friends that love shouting at the tv as much as I do! It was a really cute movie of misunderstandings and going out and getting what you want for once. It didn't turn out as I had wanted it too, but oh well. Kate Hudson was RIDICULOUS - but then again, she does tend to play crazy well.
I also watched, shock, another Russell Crowe movie: Tenderness. It is a creepy movie about a cop that follows around a phsycopath young man that got released from jail. He murdered his parents and got off as a child on antidepressants. He also murdered several other girls, but he wasn't ever convicted. He runs into this creepy girl who has only ever been abused by the men in her life. She befriends him and helps him - she also helps the cop in numerous ways.

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