Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spring Ahead

So I know that it is nearly time to fall back, but I decided that I would spring ahead. Last week, I ended up shutting my alarm off in my sleep (I'm skilled like that) and was late for work. I decided to try moving my clock in my room an hour ahead. I didn't expect it to do much for me - since I really know deep down that my clock is an hour ahead; however, I did find that is easier for me to fall asleep at night. Last night, by "10:44" I was ready for bed and had read up a bit in my Intellectual Devotional (I'm on week 26...and this is the 39th week of the year!). I fell asleep right away and slept well....Until I woke up around 4:30am. That might have had something to do with the weird dream I had about being pregnant and giving birth in my old high school. The date on the certificate that I signed for my baby: February 30, 20000000. Yup, I'm not quite sure I'll live to see the year 20Million or if my clock won't be done broked by that time!

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