Sunday, September 25, 2011

Templars are Everywhere!

So I watched some good movies and some HORRIBLE movies this weekend.  OK, just one horrible movie. I watched Death at a Funeral, Ironclad, and Season of the Witch.

I wanted to watch a Matthew MacFadyen movie - we share the same birthday - and my friends had recently watched Death at a Funeral. There was a bit of a mix up with the rental at the library.  I ended up getting the "American" version of it first and I sent it back right away to get the "British" version.  It was well worth the wait to get the "British" version ... and might I say the only version to watch.  I about peed my pants laughing the whole time. It is the funniest movie about a funeral - EVER!  Matthew MacFadyen is so perfect.  As my one friend said - anything said in a British accent is ten times funnier! The movie is about a family trying to bury their father: psychedelic  drugs are accidentally given to a guest...or three, ex-lovers turn up, bodies pop up every where, and family issues are worked out. Excellent movie!

Ironclad was a movie that my librarian friend told me about.  She showed me the preview and I was hooked.  I was driving by the Redbox and I decided I needed to stop and see if they had it!  THEY DID! I was so excited.  The place I stopped had two stations - the first didn't have it, but the second was a score!  It is about a Templar knight that holes up in a castle with less than 20 guys and they fend off a 1000 strong Danish mercenary army that is helping King Richard try to re-claim his lands.  The Pope has decided to back King Richard and void the Magna Carta, thus allowing him to go around beheading the barons that had forced him to sign.  It is an awesome movie -  including all the hacking!  It is a little weird to find it exciting when a guy can cleave another man in half with a claymore...or maybe it was a broad sword.  What is the difference between the two?!?  I can completely understand why us girls are still hung up on knights in their shiny armor.  I think I fell in love with James Purefoy.

Then I waited until the next day to watch Season of the Witch.  Not only was I completely tired, but I wanted to wait until day light in case it was actually scary - besides the horrible script.  Anyways, I didn't need to wait until daylight - it wasn't even remotely scary.  The bad acting was scary.  Oh Nick Cage!?!?!?  Why did you see that script and decide to take it?  I know he secretly wants to be a Templar knight, but come ON!?! There are probably a thousand other scripts with a knight in it to live out your fantasy.

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