Thursday, January 19, 2012


Wow- I haven't really been up this late in a while. I got so into watching Chopped tonight! I love that show. My mom also tried to make bread with teff flour and it was really kind of good. It was spongy/crunchy but really good.

Anyways, my health isn't going to be going so hot is I keep inhaling food as I did today. OMG! I just couldn't stop putting food in my mouth. I am not sure why - stress or just this FREEZING cold. It has not been this cold in a while. I am not used to it. I spent most of the last winter in France and that was nothing. In February, it was down right Spring time! I have kept up with my morning walks though. Today I only made it around the block - the negative temperature was really getting to me.

As far as relationships, I am having a lot of fun with one of my friends from church. She is the one and only person in my book club and its fun to go shopping and out to eat with her. And for men...well, my mom has hung a picture of the guy she wants to marry me off to on our fridge. Right there. Can't miss. Now I have to look at him and his family every time I bust into my parents fridge. Oi.

I started looking up the Madison Media Institute. They have the classes I'd like to take at the Madison area. I've really started looking into movie/film editing. That seems to encompass all the things I really enjoy. I'm a little worried about it, but then again, it could be a perfect fit. I know someone who knows someone who owns an editing place in Chicago. I wonder if I could use this connection to maybe job shadow for a day and see if it is really something I'd like to pursue.

Well - I am off to my bed now!

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