I downloaded a bunch of books the other day. Alas, when I went to transfer them to my Zune, it gave me the same stupid error message it has more and more frequently decided to give me. This is usually corrected by deleting all the books and the entire program - only to re-download everything again and transfer. I got lucky tonight. I decided to retry transferring the books before deleting them. THEY WORKED. I'm going to work on the Millenium series once I finish with Far From the Madding Crowd. I really love that book. Tom Hardy is amazing with the English language (probably why I picked this book up in France and couldn't put it down). The man is a genius, although his wording and rhetoric can sometimes just leave you scratching your head.
This leads me to another Thomas Hardy. I watched Warrior last night. It was amazing. I cried. I wished I could date Tom Hardy. I drank some more wine. The movie is about two brothers that end up in the Sparta MMA (mixed martial arts) competition. They share a great hate for their recovered/recovering alcoholic father but they haven't seen each other since the younger brother, Tommy (Thomas Hardy), fled with his mother. Brendan, his brother (Joel Edgerton) had chosen to stay behind with his father so he could stay with his girlfriend, whom eventually became his wife. He has two daughters and works as a teacher. A financial strain le

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