Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear John, I have a Secret Garden

I am currently on hold with the eye doctor. I have to get my diagnosis code so I can get refunded for my glasses I bought. Not that a whole whopping $38 is gonna put me under, but I'm sure I could find something nice at Marshals that I just had to have.

I haven't written the last few nights because it has just been crazy. Snow storms and freezing weather. Last night I didn't write because I had just gone straight home from work. My contact started freaking out the last 30 minutes of work and my one eye was just watering like crazy. Not to mention, it was well below freezing last night. I just wanted to stay in my tropical apartment and finish listening to Dear John by Nicholas Sparks.

I really like the book. I had already seen the movie (part of the reason I checked out the book) and really like it. I was a little confused at several parts - I thought it said he was born in 1971 but then he says he's like 23 around the year 2000. That and a letter Savannah wrote to John - she is writing this letter 2 nights before he leaves and yet she mentions in the letter his proposal that he made the night before he left. Oh well, this confusion might also stem from not listening closely enough.

I also finished The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked the power the earth seemed to have over two/three little children. Dickin was always out and about, so he new about nature and its draw. On the other hand Mary and Collin had no clue about the outdoors really. Mary only new the climate of India and Colin hated being out of doors. The more and more they grew to love nature and would watch and tend to the garden, the more they themselves began to sprout up into healthy and more respectable children. I am not sure why the movie always has Mary ending up with Collin in the end, but I always wanted her to marry Dickin. In my mind, she will. :D

Yesterday, I started this dastardly thing of getting up early and going for a half hour walk. It is nice and refreshing to get up and go out in the morning. I walk and listen to my audiobooks. It makes for a nice little morning far. I'm thinking about pushing myself to try Jazzercise; alas, the only time I could really make it would be 5:30am and I am so not a morning person!

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