Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whatcha Eating

As I sit here scarfing down a few pieces of pizza - I contemplate nutrition and the two books I've just had shipped to me on nutrition. It'll be very interesting to read. I am very interested in why cheap/affordable food is the stuff that will kill you and the stuff that is good for you - good luck getting it without taking your whole arm and leg.

You'd be surprised about how many things get knocked off the eligible eating list when just looking at aspartame and MSG, not to mention high fructose corn syrup. My "organic" yogurt I buy has "natural flavors" listed as an ingredient and that is one of the few names aspartame can be listed by if it is under a certain percentage. I was surprised my OMEGA 3 SUPPLEMENT has aspartame in it. Fake sugars and "flavor enhancers" (that only really make your brain happy, not your tongue) have taken over the food system. I won't even being to talk about the hormones in out meat and milk. They say it hasn't been shown to cause significant changes, but I can tell you from experience that it does. Every time I have moved to Europe (where they don't use hormones), my breasts have shrunk a bit, when I come back to the states, they go up a cup size. I am now up to a DD. If I live in Europe again and move back to the states, I'm going to have to get organic meat! I really can't believe some of the things the FDA is doing - oh wait, there huge payout seems about right.

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